Morisset Memorial Hall histories

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for sharing your stories about Morisset Memorial Hall. Submissions have now closed.

Morisset Memorial Hall Inc, in collaboration with Lake Macquarie City Council, is currently working with heritage specialists, CoAssociates, on a heritage study for the Hall. This study will provide valuable information on the social and historical significance of the building.

Once the consultants have assessed all the data made available, they will complete the heritage study and Statement of Heritage Impact and provide a draft report to the Project Group in 2015.

Should you have any enquiries, please email the Project Officer at [email protected]

Thank you for sharing your stories about Morisset Memorial Hall. Submissions have now closed.

Morisset Memorial Hall Inc, in collaboration with Lake Macquarie City Council, is currently working with heritage specialists, CoAssociates, on a heritage study for the Hall. This study will provide valuable information on the social and historical significance of the building.

Once the consultants have assessed all the data made available, they will complete the heritage study and Statement of Heritage Impact and provide a draft report to the Project Group in 2015.

Should you have any enquiries, please email the Project Officer at [email protected]

Consultation has concluded

A heritage assessment and Statement of Heritage Impact is currently being undertaken by heritage specialists, CoAssociates, to investigate, assess and formally document the social history and significance associated with the Morisset Memorial Hall.

Submissions have now closed, but you can view stories that have been shared about the Hall via the Stories section of this page, or if you have any questions about the study, please check below or ask here and we will respond shortly.

  • Share Why doesn't this particular event come up on "" yet? This is what people have been told to enter, but only the 2014 Morisset Hall version comes up. You have to type in Morisset Memorial Hall to get it, yet lots of other Council events come up just on "Haveyoursaylakemac" Val Badham on Facebook Share Why doesn't this particular event come up on "" yet? This is what people have been told to enter, but only the 2014 Morisset Hall version comes up. You have to type in Morisset Memorial Hall to get it, yet lots of other Council events come up just on "Haveyoursaylakemac" Val Badham on Twitter Share Why doesn't this particular event come up on "" yet? This is what people have been told to enter, but only the 2014 Morisset Hall version comes up. You have to type in Morisset Memorial Hall to get it, yet lots of other Council events come up just on "Haveyoursaylakemac" Val Badham on Linkedin Email Why doesn't this particular event come up on "" yet? This is what people have been told to enter, but only the 2014 Morisset Hall version comes up. You have to type in Morisset Memorial Hall to get it, yet lots of other Council events come up just on "Haveyoursaylakemac" Val Badham link

    Why doesn't this particular event come up on "" yet? This is what people have been told to enter, but only the 2014 Morisset Hall version comes up. You have to type in Morisset Memorial Hall to get it, yet lots of other Council events come up just on "Haveyoursaylakemac" Val Badham

    valbadham asked almost 9 years ago

    Hi Val,

    Thank you for your question. The page is listed on the Have Your Say home page under Live Projects, on the right hand side. It is the first page listed under Live Projects as "Morisset Memorial Hall histories". If you click on that link it will take you to the page. The direct page link is

    Kind regards,

  • Share What happens once I've submitted my information? on Facebook Share What happens once I've submitted my information? on Twitter Share What happens once I've submitted my information? on Linkedin Email What happens once I've submitted my information? link

    What happens once I've submitted my information?

    almost 9 years ago

    Once the consultants have gathered and assessed all the data made available, they will complete the heritage study and Statement of Heritage Impact and provide a draft report to the Project Group in September 2015.

    Copies of the submissions will be provided to Morisset Memorial Hall Inc for their historical records.

    The community will be able to access the final outcomes of the report in October online here once it has been finalised in October 2015.

    The heritage assessment and Statement of Heritage Impact will inform the future steps of the proposed Morisset Community Building project.

  • Share What is the deadline for submissions? on Facebook Share What is the deadline for submissions? on Twitter Share What is the deadline for submissions? on Linkedin Email What is the deadline for submissions? link

    What is the deadline for submissions?

    almost 9 years ago

    Submissions must be made by close of business Monday 17 August, 2015 for inclusion in the heritage study.

  • Share How can I submit my stories or information? on Facebook Share How can I submit my stories or information? on Twitter Share How can I submit my stories or information? on Linkedin Email How can I submit my stories or information? link

    How can I submit my stories or information?

    almost 9 years ago

    Information may be provided for the study in any of the following ways:

    Post to: The Secretary, Morisset Memorial Hall Inc, PO Box 269, Morisset 2264

    Email to: Sarah Cook, Project Officer, Lake Macquarie City Council [email protected]

    Drop off at Morisset Library at 39 Yambo Street. If submissions have original photos, documents, old newspaper articles, etc, copies may be made at the Library.

    Post online here in the Stories section of this page.

  • Share How will the data be collected? on Facebook Share How will the data be collected? on Twitter Share How will the data be collected? on Linkedin Email How will the data be collected? link

    How will the data be collected?

    almost 9 years ago

    Small meetings with some individuals and key stakeholder groups will be held by CoAssociates to capture the information, while members of the broader community are also encouraged to provide written submissions of their stories, information and photos for inclusion in the study.

  • Share What do the consultants need for the assessment? on Facebook Share What do the consultants need for the assessment? on Twitter Share What do the consultants need for the assessment? on Linkedin Email What do the consultants need for the assessment? link

    What do the consultants need for the assessment?

    almost 9 years ago

    CoAssociates will be gathering data including oral and written histories, stories, photos, memorabilia and other relevant items to document the social history of the Hall, its previous and current uses and its significance to local community members and groups.

  • Share Who is doing the work? on Facebook Share Who is doing the work? on Twitter Share Who is doing the work? on Linkedin Email Who is doing the work? link

    Who is doing the work?

    almost 9 years ago

    In collaboration with Morisset Memorial Hall Inc, Lake Macquarie City Council formed a Project Group to commission an independent heritage specialist to undertake the heritage assessment and Statement of Heritage Impact. CoAssociates was appointed in July 2015.

    CoAssociates is working closely with the Project Group and other community stakeholders to gather and analyse information and items of historical significance to establish the heritage context of the Hall.

  • Share Why is a heritage assessment being undertaken? on Facebook Share Why is a heritage assessment being undertaken? on Twitter Share Why is a heritage assessment being undertaken? on Linkedin Email Why is a heritage assessment being undertaken? link

    Why is a heritage assessment being undertaken?

    almost 9 years ago

    The key purpose of the heritage assessment and Statement of Heritage Impact is to investigate, assess and formally document the social history and significance associated with the Morisset Memorial Hall.

    It also aims to understand the current condition and likely ongoing maintenance requirements of the Hall, make recommendations with regard to either retention, removal or replacement, as well as make comment on the social impact of the Hall and recommendations on the future delivery of services.

    This assessment will inform the future steps of the proposed new Morisset Library and Community Building project.